Baby bust: 4 charts show how expensive it is to have kids in the US today

Plan Your Finances as You Would Your Exercise

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Asking questions and planning will give you both peace of mind Waking up early in the dark mornings of winter to exercise comes hard. Once your workout ends, though, you often begin the day with the payoff of a tremendous...
Baby bust: 4 charts show how expensive it is to have kids in the US today

Avoid the Two-Income Trap

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Asking questions and planning will give you both peace of mind Combining love, lives and laundry is one thing. Combining your money is another. Newly married couples who both work do well to think about what to do with two...
Baby bust: 4 charts show how expensive it is to have kids in the US today

Five Things That Actually Get Better With Age

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Planning financially for retirement can help make aging more comfortable Five things that economists know, but sound wrong to most other peopleEconomists have shaped the modern world in many ways. Governments make policy...
Baby bust: 4 charts show how expensive it is to have kids in the US today

Past Debt Ceiling Fights & Market Performance

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ The Treasury announced that the U.S. hit its debt ceiling on January 19th   Past Debt Ceiling Fights & Market PerformanceThe latest mess out of Washington is the fight to increase the federal debt ceiling. If this isn’t...
Baby bust: 4 charts show how expensive it is to have kids in the US today

Tax-Advantaged 529 Accounts:

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ What families need to consider   Many families look for every opportunity to make the most of their children’s college savings. Under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), paying for college and getting tax breaks...